Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Locating the Best Bass Fishing Areas

What is it in bass fishing that everybody are driven on to engage on such activity? People get fond of bass fishing that is why every trend that they hear about it really catches their interests and as much as possible get into it.

“Where are the what...? Where are the bass!” How many of the anglers (tournament and recreational) go to a body of water you've never fished before, drop the boat in the water, then, ask this question to yourself? This is probably one of the biggest topics in bass fishing that an angler should learn more about.

Here you will be getting information on how to locate areas best for bass fishing.
Locating bass and understanding the water would be the number one question among bass anglers today. The next most asked question would be is which baits they should use to catch a "big" bass.

Now when you think about it, there are really only two (2) main topics that go hand-in-hand when it comes to bass fishing. If you understood more about these two, you would definitely become a much better angler, and they are:

1. Knowing how to locate bass.

2. Knowing how to catch bass using all the different techniques, presentations, and baits.

Learning how to locate bass can be somewhat of a challenge to most anglers because there are so many different factors that need to be determined such as:

1. Knowing how to read a map - this is the fundamental skill that you should try to learn because through a map it is easier for you to take on the appropriate location good for bass fishing.

2. Knowing the most practical places to look for Active Bass just after cold fronts and during early spring and late fall periods - weather condition must be especially considered as well.

3. Understanding water depth- this is an important element because the depth or the hollowness of the water will serve as a factor for you to know if it is a good location.

4. Water clarity- it could be easier for you to now have your bass fishing if you are well-oriented about the water clarity of your location.

5. Water temperatures

6. Seasonal patterns- this is in relation with the trend whether bass fishing is seasonal or not.

7. Locating structure areas

8. Finding vegetation areas

But there is more! Being a consistent bass angler is so much more than just getting in your boat, hitting the water, and casting your baits. That's why bass tournaments are so competitive and exciting, because the more you learn about locating bass the quicker you can start catching them right? And hey, isn't that half the battle?

Let's start by looking at a lake map. There are two general types of lake maps that most anglers will use which are referred to as the; “Hot Spot” and “Topographical” maps. The differences between the two is that a “Topo” map shows more detail, and the “Hot Spots” map shows more fishing spots (well, at least they’re supposed to).

The secret (or key) in learning how to use a lake map would be to sector the map. What I mean by this is that I will take the map and study it for a moment (looking for areas where the fish would most likely be.) Next, I will (using a highlighter) divide the map in sections based on how much time I have to pre-fish for a tournament or how many days I have to just fish the body of water for fun.

The size of the sections will vary depending on contours, structure, and how many places I may want to check out during the course of the day based on what the map shows me. I am certainly not one to just cast bait into the water and work it for five minutes and leave; I will try an assortment of baits if I see signs of fish in any given area to try to establish a working pattern.

Here are some key elements that you can usually look for when it comes to locating bass on any given body of water:

1. Vegetation areas

2. Irregular contours

3. Shallow water close to deep water areas

4. Points and point drops

5. Various types of structure